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Allochthonous and autochthonous components from gizzard grit of Theristicus melanopis in anthropogenic pastures of southern chile Gayana
Gantz,Alberto; Valdivia,Carlos E; Yañez,Miguel; Sade,Soraya.
Numerous vertebrates, and in particular birds, ingest stones (geo-gastrolites) to favour the breakdown and digestion of food in the muscular stomachs. Between 1993 and 1994 we evaluated the quantity, relative abundance and quality of autochthonous (geo-gastrolites) and allochthonous (pieces of glass) components of the grit in gizzards of black-faced ibis (Theristicus melanopis) inhabiting the pastures of southern Chile. Grit elements were present in 32 out of 48 (66,7%) of all gizzard analysed. A total of 572 particles were recorded from which, 69.1% corresponded to autochthonous elements and 27.8% were allochthonous particles. Both components are similar in shape; however glass contributes considerably more in terms of mass. Gender differences reveal that...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Black-faced ibis; Glasses; Gastrolites; Pastures; South Chile.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Dieta del jabalí (Sus scrofa), invasor biológico reciente del Parque Nacional Puyehue, sur de Chile Mastozool. neotrop.
Hernández,Carlos; Sade,Soraya; Rau,Jaime.
Se identifican los ítems-presas y categorías tróficas representados en los contenidos estomacales de una muestra estival-otoñal (2013) de siete estómagos de jabalíes silvestres cazados en el Parque Nacional Puyehue, sur de Chile. La dieta del jabalí incluyó plantas, animales y hongos, siendo en general similar a la previamente documentada para dos áreas silvestres del sur de Chile. Este invasor biológico reciente en el área de estudio se caracteriza como generalista y oportunista, con potenciales impactos negativos sobre la fauna y flora que deben ser prontamente evaluados.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Chile; Hábitos alimenticios; Invasores biológicos; Ungulados.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Dieta del quique (Galictis cuja Molina 1782) en un remanente de bosque valdiviano fragmentado del sur de Chile Gayana
Sade,Soraya; Rau,Jaime R; Orellana,José I.
Pese a su amplia distribución y uso de diferentes hábitats en América del Sur existe poca información sobre el quique, Galictis cuja (Carnívora: Mustelidae). Inicialmente descrito como un mamífero generalista que vive cerca de ríos y con una dieta católica, estudios en Uruguay, Chile central y Argentina han mostrado que se especializa en roedores nativos y lagomorfos introducidos. En este trabajo se documenta por primera vez su dieta otoño-invernal en un remanente de bosque valdiviano fragmentado. En estas estaciones climáticas, donde la abundancia de roedores aumenta, la mayor frecuencia estandarizada de presas en la dieta del quique (82%) correspondió a 6 especies de roedores nativos cuyas masas corporales variaron entre 24 y 58 gramos. Pese a haber...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Carnívoros; Ecorregión valdiviana; Fragmentación; Hábitos alimenticios.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Phenological synchrony between the austral thrush Turdus falcklandii (Passeriformes: Turdidae) and its food resources within forests and prairies in southern Chile RChHN
Orellana,José I; Smith-Ramírez,Cecilia; Rau,Jaime R; Sade,Soraya; Gantz,Alberto; Valdivia,Carlos E.
BACKGROUND: Frugivorous birds are phenologically linked to the fruits that they eat. When there is less fruit in seasonal environments, frugivorous birds complement their diet by eating invertebrates. The depth of the phenological link between frugivorous birds and their dietary resources has not been studied until now. The objective was to determine the possible phenological synchrony between the Austral thrush (Turdus falcklandii) and its dietary resource, fruits and annelids, found in the fragmented forests in the South of Chile. RESULTS: The numbers of thrushes, annelids, and fruits in fragments of native forest and anthropogenic grassland in Chile's Lake District were estimated annually. Spatial variation (i.e., forest and grassland) and seasonal...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Annelids; Fleshy fruit; Phenology; Seasonality; Turdus.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Phenotypic similarity between fruits of Gevuina avellana (Proteaceae) and wasp-induced galls of Nothofagus dombeyi (Nothofagaceae) does not protect fruits from predation by rodents Acta Botanica
López-Colin,Gabriela A.E.; Valdivia,Carlos E.; Morales-Paredes,Carlos; Sade,Soraya; Rau,Jaime R..
ABSTRACT Fruits of Gevuina avellana (Proteaceae) seem to mimic wasp-induced galls of Nothofagus dombeyi (Nothofagaceae) to escape predation by rodents, which may change both spatially and temporarily. The objective of this study was to evaluate the similarity between the fruits of G. avellana and the galls of N. dombeyi and to determine if this similarity protects fruits from predation by rodents in a disturbed temperate forest. We evaluated: i) the similarity between fruits and galls by measuring length, diameter, weight and color; and ii) the effects of galls on fruit predation by offering them to rodents in varying proportions, in a forest and a meadow, over two years. Fruits and galls showed similar phenotypes but fruits were more consumed than galls,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Batesian mimicry; Aditrochus coihuensis; Granivory; Austral temperate forests; Chile.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Use of tree species by White-throated treerunner (Pygarrhichas albogularis King) in a secondary native forest of southern Chile Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Gantz,Alberto; Yañez,Miguel; Orellana,José I.; Sade,Soraya; Valdivia,Carlos E..
ABSTRACT In forest ecosystems, numerous species of insectivorous birds use certain tree species as feeding and nesting substrates. Between 2009 and 2010, the use of different floristic components as feeding substrate by the Pygarrhichas albogularis King, 1831 was evaluated in a southern Chilean secondary native forest. From a total of 13 trees and bush species, six tree species were used by P. albogularis as a feeding substrate. Tree use was limited to intermediate heights (11-20 m) and, mainly, to the trunk (40% of observations) and secondary branches (26%). Pygarrhichas albogularis showed a disproportionated use of N. dombeyi and an important use of trees with a greater age structure (DBH 81-100 cm). Nothofagus dombeyi presented a significantly greater...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Temperate forest; Chile; White-throated Treerunner; Floristic use.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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